Saturday, December 19, 2009

What is the best shampoo for hair?

i have brown hairs, and am not use any hair colour. i want black hair, and my hair are long and soft. which shampoo can i use? what is the best shampoo for my hair?What is the best shampoo for hair?
Herbal essences! I have used it for a year now, they have so many different types! Hope this helpedWhat is the best shampoo for hair?
pantene or revlon
Dear u need a hair color to color your hair.. any shampoos cant do that.. but I think brown is a nice color.. ';do not color';... its beautiful..
annnnnny lol
coconut oil ..coz fed up for all shampoos
Dont use comercial shampoo they usually contain EDTA and SLS. If you dont know what they are you should research them. They are toxic.

I use Burts bee's shampoo and other organic brands that do not have the aforementioned chemicals.

If you are a man do not use shampoo with Botanicals such as lavender or tea tree oil. New research says they MIGHT be responsable for gynocomastia (manboobs). Serioulsy!
for you hair to be black you will need a hair colour (can be damaging) or a hair rinse. i recommend a rince so that the colour is not permanently changed and you wont end up with a line where you natural brown hair has regrown.

i like pantene because it has a line for caucasian and african american hair. african american hair tends to need more moisture to keep it soft because the strands are flat and therefore less strong so anybody using the african american line would get a little extra but the regular line is great too.

the shampoo isnt the issue though its the conditioner because shampoos strip the hair of moisture and natural oils and conditioners put it back.

you can use the pantene conditioner and you can treat it onece a month or when needed with Motions critical protection and repair (CPR). this doesnt weigh the hair down and is made of a combination of herbs that you can actually see pieces of in the shampoo.
well it depends on your hairs only.

if you have any problems related to your hairs please don't try any shampoo without consulting to your doc.

for general use i prefer clinic all clear anti-deo sports

it is very cool
mine is shear hairspa of schwarzkolf.
Herbal Essences!! there is a different kind for every kind of hair!!
The best shampoo is no shampoo. What you need is a cleansing conditioner. The one that I frequently use is called Wen by Chaz Dean. You have to buy the product line online. My hair has never looked better. Everytime you shampoo your hair with ';lather';, you have stripped your hair of vital oils and nutrients. I know that I sound like an infomercial but this product really works. Good luck.
it basicalyy depends the quality of hair..bcoz no shampoo is chemical fre.. but my personal exp...dove is the will suite u...
it depends on what type of hair u have..

i think u should use pantene[ u know long and strong] ...its the best..becozzz even i have longe smooth
Selsun Blue
Take a Handful of Shoe flower or Hibiscus, flower and leaves and put it in a Mug, half filled with water crush it with your hands many times until it breaks into small pieces. Drain it and u have your own natural shampoo and conditioner.
I think that you actually need a dye. Shampoo won't help you there. Try conair or revlon dye though. Dark and Lovely might wurk 2
NONE. Nature has given us the best. All the shampoos are booooooooooo and booooooooooooooo.

Use natural wash.
George Michael, including all the rinse and iron treatment this line offers. It's superb for long hair and makes it shiny and smooth.
firstly apply oil daily n use herbal shampoo its very good for soft n silky hairs

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