Monday, December 28, 2009

So, is the ingredient in shampoo that makes hair healthier the one that stings?

lame question- i know. but i was sitting in the bathroom today, looking at my kids' tear-free shampoo and started thinking, ';why the heck does mine have to sting?'; can't they make a sting free adult shampoo? or would it not be as healthy for your hair? i have 4 young kids by the way- sometimes sitting in the bathroom is the only break i get:)So, is the ingredient in shampoo that makes hair healthier the one that stings?
Yeah, baby shampoo isn't good for adult hair. It's not an ingredient, per se, it's the pH balance. Baby shampoo has the same pH balance as a human eyeball - that's why it doesn't sting.

I play games on my cell phone in the bathroom, LOL.So, is the ingredient in shampoo that makes hair healthier the one that stings?
snotto is close, it's the PH, and it's the alcohol, that makes it sting.

they should make it for adults %26amp; others

that is really weird that they think only babies cry

come on, i cry more than babies!!
I use that baby shampoo too. I think they leave all the chemicals out of the tear free shampoos!

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